Who we are

Our website address is: https://www.sveiagroup.com.

SVEIA GROUP is committed to the confidentiality of your personal and business information

Protecting your personal and business information is important to us. We have adopted strong principles in that respect:

  • We do not sell your personal or business information to anyone;
  • We tell you why we use your personal or business information, and we do not use it for anything else;
  • We limit how much personal or business information we collect, use, communicate and store to what is necessary for our purposes;
  • We give you the option to control your personal and business information. Please contact us with your privacy or confidentiality concerns, to give you access to your personal and business information or to implement any corrections that you have requested, when appropriate.
  • We may communicate your personal or business information to the authorities without your consent where permitted or required by law.

Types of information we collect

Personal information

Personal information is information about an identifiable individual.

The personal information we collect includes:

  • Identification information: Like your name, contact information or business details;
  • Contact information: Like your phone numbers, personal address of email addresses;
  • Interactions and preferences information: Like data which relates to your use of our products and services, data from your interactions with us, our website or our apps.

Data considered to be personal information

We collect information about how you use our website. Even though this information is not linked to your identity, it can be in certain circumstances by using cookies. This is why we consider this data to be personal information as well when linked to your identity. The data we collect includes:

  • The pages of our website viewed;
  • The date and time when those pages were viewed;
  • The region where you are connecting from (geolocation);
  • How long each page was viewed;
  • The web browser used (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.), browser settings and the type of device used (Mac or PC, mobile or desktop, etc.), AdWords used and references from which websites, applications or social media you come from before your visit.

Business information

Business information is information about your business.

The business information we collect includes:

  • Identification information: Like name and trade name of your business;
  • Contact information: Like positions, names, titles, business addresses, business phone numbers and business email addresses;
  • Structure information: Like your business corporate structure, the name of your shareholders, directors or guarantors;
  • Financial and commercial information: Like your business revenue, assets and liabilities, financial statements, market and industry, business plans, and information allowing us to meet our requirements in relation to our work with you;
  • Interactions and preferences information: Like data which relates to the use by your business of our products and services, data from your interactions with us, our website or our apps.

When and how we collect your personal and business information

We collect personal or business information when you give it to us directly

For example:

  • When you use one of our mobile applications;
  • When you fill in an online form;
  • When you subscribe to one of our email publications;
  • Whenever you use online tools and give information about yourself or your business.

We also collect personal or business information obtained from sources other than yourself

For example:

  • From our service providers for web analytics or ads;
  • From websites/social media pages containing information made public by you or your business;
  • From data services or databases made publicly available by third parties or that we have an agreement with.

When you browse our website, we use cookies that track your activities

How we track your activities

When you browse our website, we track your activities to infer your interests based on pages you have visited. We may match this information to your specific user profile as soon as you identify yourself on our website by using cookies. We may do so to know what your interests are, to promote our products and services to you or your business, and to offer you or your business products or services that are more relevant to you or your business.

What cookies are and what we can do with them

Cookies are files that a website automatically creates and stores on your computer to collect information on your web browsing activities. We use first-party cookies to improve your user experience, as do most websites.

Our website creates first-party cookies that allow us to:

  • Recognize you the next time you visit our website;
  • Personalize our website, application, email publications and emails for you or your business.

For example, we can know if you have already completed a survey so we do not ask you to do it again. These cookies are called persistent cookies, because they stay in your browser after you have closed your session.

We also use Google Ads and other third-party cookies for marketing purposes. With cookies, we can:

  • Automatically create lists about our users’ interests based on pages have visited;
  • Use this information to target users with specific ads;
  • Analyze how well our ads perform for a specific audience.

You can disable cookies

You can disable cookies in your browser’s settings. You will still be able to access our website, although some features may not work optimally.

We use Google Analytics to collect data about how you use our website (web analytics)

We use Google Analytics to analyze how users use our website.

Google Analytics makes your data anonymous by removing part of your IP address.

Google Analytics relies on cookies to collect information. Cookies used by Google Analytics will expire two years after your last visit to our website. For more information, consult the Google Analytics website and its privacy policy.

You can opt out of Google Analytics by installing this add-on on your browser.

This policy does not cover personal or business information you or your business give to social media companies

When you interact with us through social media, you give information to social media companies and not to us. This information is covered by their own privacy policy. Keep in mind that information you publish on social media can be made public.

Why we collect and use your personal or business information

We only collect your personal or business information if it relates directly to consulting and advising programs or SVEIA GROUP’s activities and for the following purposes:

For business purposes

To identify you or your business

We use your personal or business information to identify you or your business.

To register you or your business

We use your personal or business information to register you, notably for an event.

To communicate with you or your business

We use your personal or business information to communicate with you and to answer your questions.

To get deeper knowledge, make predictions, or generate recommendations through advanced analytics

We use your personal or business information to perform advanced analytics. We examine this information using sophisticated data analysis techniques and tools to get deeper knowledge, make predictions, or generate recommendations for you and your business.

To develop new products and services

We may use your personal or business information to help develop new products and services.

To develop new internal tools and models

We use your personal and business information to develop new tools and models so that SVEIA GROUP can improve its business consulting and advisory or activities for the benefit of its client.

To advise you or your business when you or your business request our products or services and to improve your experience

We use your personal or business information to provide tailored advice and direct you towards the most appropriate resources, products, and services upon your request. This way, we make sure our advice, resources, products and services are best suited to you and your business profile.

For web analytics purposes

To analyze how you use our website and improve your experience

We collect and analyze data about web traffic and visits on our website. This is called web analytics. Web analytics allow us to:

  • Understand how users use our website;
  • Improve our website;
  • Further develop our business consulting and advisory.

For marketing purposes

To promote our products and services to you

We send you promotional emails only if you have specifically agreed to receive them. For example, if you have subscribed to one of our newsletters.

Whenever you have specifically given your consent, you can revoke your consent at any time. For example, you can always opt out of one of our newsletters.

To offer you products and services that meet your needs

We use your personal or business information to offer you or your business customized consulting and advisory services.

How we store your personal and business information

Where we store it

Your personal or business information can be stored outside Canada because we use third-party service providers to store and process your personal or business information.

How we keep it secure

We take stringent measures to ensure that your personal and business information is protected and handled properly.

To whom we communicate your personal or business information

Our employees may view your personal or business information on a need-to-know basis

Our employees may view your personal or business information for their work directly related to services relating to you and your business needs.

They will not view your personal information for any other reason.

We may share your personal or business information in cases of fraud, suspected fraud

We may share your personal or business information with authorities in case of fraud or suspected fraud.

We may communicate your personal or business information in certain circumstances

In exceptional cases, we may communicate your personal or business information to others without your consent:

  • If we are legally required to do so. For example, if we receive a court order to communicate your personal or business information;
  • If it is impossible to get your consent and privacy laws allow us to communicate your personal information. For example, if it is necessary for the protection of public interest.

Things you can do to control how we process your personal and business information

You can access your personal or business information and ask us to correct any error

You can access your personal information at any time

To do so, please contact us.

You can ask us to correct any error or omission

You can ask us to make corrections to personal or business information that we have that is not accurate. If we do not make these corrections, you can ask us to add annotations to your personal information to explain why certain corrections you asked were not made. Finally, you can ask us to notify certain persons about these corrections or annotations. To do so, please contact us.

You can express your privacy concerns and file a complaint

You can express your privacy concerns by contacting us through email.

To do so, please contact us.

To file a privacy complaint, you must send an email to our Chief Operating Officer

This ensures that we keep a record of your complaint. SVEIA GROUP’s Chief Operating Officer will respond to you as soon as possible.

Note that your complaint must be about your privacy or about how we deal with your personal information.

If you are not satisfied with how we respond to your complaint, you can contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

We do our best to make this policy as easy to read and understand as possible. Here are a few more things you should know:

We may change this policy at any time

Because privacy concerns, business and legal requirements continually evolve, we may need to change this policy in the future. We will provide notice of material changes to this policy, for example, by posting a notice on our website or by sending you an e-mail explaining that the privacy policy has been updated.

What if the policy has changed?

If this policy has changed, you will be governed by the updated version of the policy.

This policy is governed by the laws of Alberta and Canada. This policy complies with the Privacy Act of Canada.

Contact us with any questions:

Feel free to contact us:

Copyright © 2024 SVEIA GROUP LTD.  All Rights Reserved.  Privacy Policy and Legal.